About Our Organization

Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth”.

(EGM Pakistan) Evangelistic Gospel Ministries of Pakistan is a Christian Humanitarian Organization based in Lahore Pakistan . EGM Pakistan is registered according to the laws of Government under Act of Societies Registration 1860 since 2006 . EGM Pakistan is partner with Humanitarian organization Alpha Omega based in UAE .


Our vision is worldwide to reach the un-reached with Love of Christ the Lord. It is based on a thought that it is not enough to preach to sick, unable/restricted or displaced but it is of dire importance to support such people.


The Mission of EGM Pakistan is to reach the unreached with the global approach through Gospel Crusades, Evangelical & Literature outreach, Mass media, and by planting dynamic churches in every out-reached community. In the view of Evangelism our mission’s next step is to empower youth, women and children all the way through our projects & activities which are to eliminate poverty, literacy upgrading, relief services and feed hungry for free.

We urge to rescue Christians via our Ministry to encourage and strengthen persecuted and believers of Pakistan, who are fighting to survive for their faith.


This is harvest time and the fields are truly white and ready for harvest. Let’s take the message of God’s saving and healing power to the ends of the earth and bring in a mighty harvest of souls for God’s glory. Together we can make a difference in the lives of millions for eternity.

We would like to request that please take part in this utmost harvest in Pakistan’s Christian. It will be consent for us to cohort with you for His glory. It will be a delight if you pray for this Godly vision and join hands with us for national makeover under the power of the Holy Spirit.

I hope the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the lovable fellowship of the Holy Spirit stay with you all now and forever more.