Leadership Seminar

Unity Obedience and love are the three basic keys to open the door of heaven. Unfortunately these three elements are missing in the Churches and among leadership/pastors. Rather than love, peace, unities our leaders are promoting the envy, abhorrence, viciousness. Leadership seems busy in leg pulling and in some other unwanted acts. EGM is aiming to evangelize the whole world but in Pakistan we are wasting our times in this way. We have a strong and good Pastoral Network across Pakistan. We conduct companionship meetings on interdenominational base, every month in different parts of Pakistan. In these fellowships we pray for one anotheru2019s needs and for a faithful leadership. God has blessed us all because Evangelistic Gospel Ministries provides the free bicycles; motor cycles, Evangelism Kits and different evangelical resources to our leadership for the expansion of the Gospel. We as a ministry must take care take care of the needs Pastoral Leadership.

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